Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together
Clip For Sale
She's keen to try making money from amateur porn, and she'd like you to help her produce it!
You can customize the story with the name of a girl you know. You can specify a particular relationship in the optional “She's your” field. Anything you enter here will be preceded by the word “your” in the story. For example, if you enter “girlfriend” the story will occasionally refer to her as “your girlfriend.”
You are invited to write the second half of this story! You supply a short line of text for the bullet-point that a reader will click to read your page. Then you supply the text for your page, which must completely conclude the story. Unlike the other collaborative stories, no-one else will be able to continue the story from your page. If your idea has already been used, feel free to provide your own alternative version.
The story will be curated and edited by us, so your page won't appear until it has been reviewed. We're going to be more picky about what we accept with this one, so please submit at least 500 well-crafted words.
There are currently 36 endings. Thanks to Lamshatta, Anonymous, Twiggy, WolfieByNature, spunionz for the most recent submissions.