Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by Ho...)

You come home from work and realize Rachel is not home yet, but that’s not unusual because she has had rehearsals until after 1am lately. You figure she’s there getting fucked by all those black men all day long and getting inseminated over and over again so you don’t really blame her for not calling you. In fact, you feel bad she has to have such grueling play rehearsals and plan to do something very nice for her when she’s able to find some free time.

You watch television, eat some dinner, then get to sleep because your boss threatened to fire you if you were late again.

You wake the next day early and don’t even notice Rachel is not in bed or even at home. You shower, get breakfast, and head to work, arriving fifteen minutes early. You feel proud as your boss looks in on you at exactly nine am, showing surprise and complimenting you. Spurred on by his compliment, you work extra hard and become very productive.

Rachel does not enter your mind all day.
