Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by 12...)

Invisa-Girl. After hours of research, you decide that she’s the one you have the highest chance of defeating. Her powers are simple: she can turn invisible. She doesn’t have any super strength, super speed or anything else. Still, she is a superhero and you need to find a way to defeat her. She also isn’t the most careful and you are able to find an obscure mention on Reddit that her true identity is Monica, a mild-mannered accountant. After a little more research, you’re able to establish that her boss’s name is John and find the firm that she works at.

Once you have everything you need, you decide to pay John a visit. The well-built, blond-haired man isn’t too happy about having an after-hours meeting, but he allows you to set up the meeting regardless.

“So, how can I help you, Ross?” John says, barely hiding his annoyance.

You lean back in your chair. “How can you indeed, John? I’ll cut straight to the chase. Your employee, Monica, is Invisa-Girl and I am going to defeat her, with your help.”

John doesn’t look surprised. He pulls out his phone. “You’re not the first villain to come after her through me.”

That takes you by surprise. “So you know her secret identity?”

John rolls his eyes. “Of course I do. She isn’t the most stealthy, despite her name. Now, tell me what you have to offer me to lure her in.”

You nod slowly, understanding what kind of man John is. “Well this was a quicker conversation that I imagined. Alright, ” you write a number on a piece of paper and slide it over to John. “This is my offer.”

John looks at the paper, still expressionless. “This’ll do. Now, what’s your plan?”

The next day, you find yourself at Monica’s house with John. She seems to not think anything out of the ordinary. Just a house call for a client. Monica — Invisa-Girl — is smaller than you thought she would be. She has long black hair and a petite build. Perhaps it won’t be too hard overpowering her physically. The problem is, you actually have no plan whatsoever.

Ah well. Better to keep things simple.

The moment Monica comes in for a handshake, you try to take a swing at her. Although you’re fast, her reflexes seem to be faster and she immediately turns invisible and you end up punching air.

“What’s going on here?” her voice echoes around you.

“I have no idea!” John says, actually terrified and cowering on the couch.

“This was all a ploy to lure you in,” you say, trying to keep your guard up. “Invisa-Girl.”

Suddenly you’re punched across the face and sent reeling. Before you can recover, a kick to your stomach has to heaving for air.

Fuck. You really should have thought of a plan. You turn around so that John is behind you and a kick sends you flying into him.

“Go hide in the kitchen unless you want to be my first victim,” you growl.

John does as you say. You’re punched across the face again and you quickly run to the kitchen too. Before you’re hit again, you grab John and a knife and hold him hostage.

“Don’t come any closer or I’ll kill this man,” you say. “I’m warning you, become visible or else he dies.”

Two powerful hands grab your hand holding the knife and pull it away from John’s throat. With Invisa-Girl distracted, you reveal another knife and ram it in front of you. You make contact and for a second Monica flutters into visibility. You have managed to scrape her side and a bit of blood drips out. Even when she becomes invisible again, the blood is still visible. Thinking fast, you quickly slit John’s throat and the blood soaks Invisa-Girl. Now you can see her.

While she stands petrified you go behind her and force her down onto the ground. You were right. She’s not very strong. You’ve won.

The blood drips off Monica until she’s invisible again but you don’t let go of her. You pull off her pants.

“No stop!” she screams, her voice echoing around the kitchen. “Don’t do this!”

“Shut up!” you growl, pushing her face into the ground. It’s weird holding an invisible person down but you get used to it pretty fast. You manage to get your pants off and pull Monica back by her hair. Although you can’t see her, you can feel her face near yours. You lick the side of her face.

“I’m going to defeat you,” you say. “And make you my slave.”

Monica struggles harder against your grip but it’s no use. She should’ve focused on becoming stronger rather than relying on her superpower.

You ram your cock into her and it’s still visible. You let out a laugh, “Woah this is so cool.”

You ram Monica from behind, one hand on her waist and the other roaming her body, from her tiny tits to pulling her hair and slapping her round ass.

“Please stop this!” Monica begs.

“You say that now,” you heave. “But don’t worry Monica, soon you’ll be begging me to fuck you rather than to stop.”

“Never!” Monica protests.

“We’ll see,” you speed up. “After I’ve filled you with my cum!”

You push hard and watch as your cum fills up her insides. You can literally see your full load push out of your penis and float in the air. You slowly pull out of her as Monica flutters in and out of visibility.

You push her onto her knees and hold her up by her chin. When she’s visible, you notice that she seems to be in a complete haze.

You clean your cock with her hair and the bits of cum float in the air. Then you force your cock into her mouth and bob her head.

“Come on, Monica,” you say, patting the back of her head. “Put that slutty mouth of yours to work.”

To your surprise, Monica actually begins to work her mouth and tongue around your cock.

“That’s a good girl, Monica, ” you say.

Monica mumbles something into your cock.

After a while, you fill her mouth with your cum and force her to swallow it. She finally seems to have given in as she becomes visible.

“I told you Monica,” you say as dribbles of cum leak out of her mouth. “I told you you’d be my little slave.”

Before she can say anything, you knock her out.
