Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together
(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by Ho...)
You work all day and get home to no text messages. It's not until nearly 8pm Rachel texts you, “Holy Cow Ross! What a day! It was our best ever! The biggest consumer company in our business just made a huge deal with us for tens of millions! And that's not all! Several other of the largest companies came over to sign deals once they saw the biggest getting product from us! We signed nearly 100 mil in contracts over the next 12 months John is ecstatic!”
“Wow! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!”
You wrote back. It probably means good stuff for her job status.
“Wait till you hear the best part! All the product they wanted was one my department produces! And they kept mentioning the three tweaks to the original design I insisted to John we needed to be attractive to buyers!” Rachel tells you. This is excellent news.
“Try to keep your pants on babe! John was so pleased with me he is doubling my salary and giving me a company car!” Rachel tells you.
Holy shit! That means she would be making nearly half a mil a year! You can totally quit your shitty job and let Rachel be your sugar mamma!
“Woah! So amazing! I'm so proud of my smart and clever girlfriend!” you say and quickly follow up with, “totally hot too!”
“Haha love you too Ross I'm so happy today, I decided to let them push their penises into me for the skit tonight! I hope you like them Ross we're gonna get set up and start right away. This video might take a bit longer to send to you. John got excited and got a bunch of ULTRA HD video cameras to record the action tonight. We're gonna film, then edit and send to you so look out for an email in about an hour! Xoxo” Rachel writes.
Sure enough, about an hour later, you get an email from Rachel. When you open the attached video, the picture is super crisp and detailed. Much better than with her phone.
“So we got all these sample condoms from a vendor who claims all of their products are so good they guarantee it feels like the man is not wearing anything but how can we know for sure?” Rachel asks John and the guys
John speaks up, “Well I for one won't recommend or carry a product on our shelves that we can't recommend ourselves ”
“We can test them out ” Dan chimes in.
“Oh sure Dan just whip out our dicks, slide some condoms on and jerk off to see if it feels like we're not wearing any? And right in front of Rachel?” Paul asks incredulously.
“That's a great idea Dan let's do it ” John says and begins to strip.
“Woah there boss what about Rachel?” Dan asks with a small smile.
“Haha sorry boys I'm sorry I won't be able to whip out mine and test the condoms with you but you boys go right ahead I'm used to seeing penis all the time at home. I have two boys and a boyfriend who walk around naked all the time!” Rachel comments with a small chuckle.
“Well maybe there is a way you could help Rachel ” John says looking serious.
“Sure John how can I help? Want me to roll them on you guys?” Rachel asks with a grin.
“That would be nice, but I was thinking a lot more than that Rachel ” John says.
“Uh oh what did you have in mind John?” Rachel asks looking a bit nervous.
“Well the only way we will really know for sure if the condoms feel like nothing is on us or not is if you let us test them on you ” John says.
“What? Like you put them on and put yourselves into my my vagina?” Rachel asks looking surprised.
“Yeah and then take them off and be inside you without the condoms. That was we can know for sure if the product does what it says it does ” John explains.
“But all three of you in my vagina with and without condoms?” Rachel asks.
“Yes but not just your vagina there's oral, and anal ” John says with a wide smile. He is now in just his boxers and so are Dan and Paul.
“But I'm with Ross, John! I can't let you guys put your penises into my mouth, vagina and anus and I've never had oral or anal intercourse before!” Rachel complains defensively.
“That's okay Rachel, we don't mind. Look it's not like we are trying to get with you. It's just for scientific reasons. Just product testing,” John explains as if it makes it okay for a woman to let her three male coworkers just push their cocks into all her holes.