Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together
(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by Ho...)
You text your girlfriend as soon as your cock settles down and is not throbbing with excitement.
“Holy shit Rachel that was amazing. John cums so much! I took tomorrow off, so call me in the morning love you babe!”
Rachel calls you around 7am. You answer to a glowing and smiling girlfriend, “Hey sleepyhead! So you liked?”
“Oh yeah babe I think the sex doll angle is genius. And you! I had no idea you were such a good actor! Can you do more sex doll skits with John today?” you respond.
“Haha so eager to have another man do your girlfriend! I talked with John about it and he's game for more skits. I think he really likes being involved in our sexting!” Rachel smiles.
“Did you have any idea he was so big?”
“No clue babe but he was really stretching me out last night. I could feel the tip of his penis pushing hard against the inside of my belly last night!” Rachel remarks.
“I know! I could see the bump on your sexy belly babe and he cums so much!”
“Holy cow Ross. John's penis thrusting into me was like nothing I've ever felt before I still have his dried semen covering my torso ”
“Wow you slept with his cum all over your body? That's so hot! Take a pic and send it!”
Rachel sends a pic of her naked body and she totally has streaks of dried cum all over her front, with the crease of her belly button filled and obscured by John's jism to the point you can't see them. Rachel also seems to have cum all over her pussy mound as well, which makes you sport wood.
“Wow what a pic. I'm totally hard right now.”
“Sure! Sorry don't be mad I sound so eager to have my boss's penis back inside me but he's so much bigger than you and I think I love how it makes me feel ” Rachel says sounding nervous.
“Oh babe don't worry. I'm not mad in the least I'm glad John's cock gives you so much pleasure! I only wish I had that cock but no reason you can't enjoy him fully now ”
“Oh Ross you are such an amazing boyfriend thank you I know we asked the guys to participate, but I thought they were just going to fondle me and maybe some heavy petting this having intercourse thing is much more ”
“But it's okay Rachel I love watching you with John. I love watching his giant cock thrusting in and out of you I love seeing his massive load spitting all over you I love, love how much you are enjoying yourself with this. I want to see much more Do you and John have time for another skit this morning?”
“Hahaha okay you know just how to put me at ease maybe we don't have to be at the conference until noon so we have at least three hours. I'll ask John hold on.” Rachel says and calls out to her boss. There is a bit of muffled conversation and then Rachel gets back on.
Before Rachel can tell you, you have to ask: “Did you sleep with John last night?”
A moment of silence then Rachel responds, “Yes are you upset about that? We were just so tired after that last skit we did, I lay down next to John and just fell asleep. John said I was so totally passed out he didn't have the heart to wake me, so he just turned out the lights and went to sleep can you forgive me?”
“Hahaha forgive you for what? Sleeping next a man I condone you to have sex with, condone you to let him spurt gobs and gobs of his cum all over your body, ask you to have sex with again and again? Nothing to forgive babe in fact, feel free to sleep next to him every night you are there! I know how much you dislike sleeping alone,” you say kindly.
“Oh God Ross, you are the best! It was nice sleeping next to John last night. He has a very nice body and he kept me warm and safe feeling. Like how I feel when I'm home in bed with you baby John and I can do more sex doll skit this morning. We will send the video when it's done. Love you!” Rachel says and hangs up.