Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by Ho...)

You and Rachel catch your breath and make sure your two boys are still asleep and they are.

“Loved that Rachel… so fucking hot! Can't wait to be sexting with you… and your coworkers!” you say to your girlfriend with a wry smile.

“Haha… Oh Ross… you're asking for it mister! It's gonna be pretty hard to stop me from doing anything…” Rachel says and goes to the bathroom to clean up. This sexting thing has your girlfriend really worked up… just the way you like it.

You both fall asleep in record time. You head off to work and Rachel heads off to her conference.

You keep checking your phone for updates and get into trouble at work. Your supervisor has to “give you supervision” about the personal phone usage at work. You get very irritated but manage to keep your cool… mostly.

The morning goes by without you checking the phone. At lunch Rachel sends a text, “just arrived! Hope you're having a good day sexting buddy!” Along with a pic of her blouse open enough for you to see her hard nipple from the side. The door is closed so you grab your cock and start jerking to your girlfriend's nipples.

It is right at the moment you are about to cum that your manager walks in to your office and catches you with your cock in hand… you're too far gone and begin to spurt all over your desk.

It's actually your manager, the supervisor, and another coworker. They were coming to put you on a special project that would have given you a very nice bonus upon completion, but you get the pink slip instead… it's humiliating being escorted out by security.

You don't want to alarm Rachel so you just head home. You have a couple beers and lay on the couch for a couple hours. Your boys are supposed to be with Rachel's mother the rest of the week so you have absolutely nothing to do.

You're jolted awake by your phone vibrating.

“Oh God Ross… I'm in so much trouble… call me when you get this!” Rachel texts.

You call right away, “what's the matter?”

“Oh Ross… I was taking a pussy shot for you next to the copier and John walked in… he said we'd have to have a serious talk about what he saw… I'm so scared Ross! What if John fires me!”

You're still a bit tipsy from the six-pack you downed before you passed out so have no filter. “Can't be any worse than me… I got shitcanned at work for being caught jerking off to your hard nipple pic at lunch time…”

“Oh my God Ross! What the hell are we gonna do? If we both lose our jobs… oh shit… John is calling me in to his room… I'll call you back!” Rachel says and hangs up.

You get up and crack open a bottle of whisky and just swig from the bottle. What a fucking day you think and take another big swig. By the time Rachel calls you back forty five minutes later, you're pretty close to passing out.

“Yesh?” You try to sound as sober as possible.

“Ross? Have you been drinking?”

“Jusht a little bit to take the edge off!” you reply indignantly.

“Oh Ross… Hope you don't drink too much… anyway… it's pretty bad with John and my job…”

“What happened?”

“John said there was a code of conduct in the company, and that he'd have to seriously consider letting me go…”


“But we might have a chance to get out of this mess and save at least my job…”

“How?” You ask, you vision becoming a bit blurred.

“I offered to include the guys in our sexting… but on a whole different level than just still pics…”

“What dosh a whole new level mean?”

“It means letting the guys… especially John, do things to me and make videos of it!”

“What?! What the hell Rachel… you offered to have sex with them to keep your job?”

“Not exactly, but sex is not off the table if we can manage to keep my job… John seemed interested and he said he'd consider it… depending on what I was willing to do! I told him I'd have to think about it… what do you think Ross?”

It's kinda hard for you to think, but you are pretty clear about the fact that the loss of your job sucks, but doesn't really impact your family that much… you only make a quarter of Rachel's salary. The loss of Rachel's job… your family would be out on the street within a few months. “Sounds like a plan Rachel… we need your job to keep our lives going… do whatever it takes babe… whatever it takes!” You say that last bit a bit more intensely than intended, but you're sure Rachel got the point.

“Oh… okay Ross… you're right… we just can't afford to lose my job… I'll let you know what happens when I tell John I'll do whatever it takes…” Rachel says and hangs up.
