Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Everybody Wants You, continued by gmbls...)

You jump up, shocked from the cold. Claudia’s eyes are wide and she immediately starts to apologize.

“Emma, I am so so sorry!” she says, as she starts to wipe you off with her hands. Her hands start up by your shoulders but she has made her way to your nipples, rock-hard from the temperature. She hesitates over them, searching your face for approval.

“Can I maybe get a change of clothes?” you ask her.

“Oh my goodness, of course! Let’s go grab some from my room.”

She walks first up the stairs to her bedroom, and you begin to admire her wide, perky ass for the first time. With each stair, her round butt shakes. Your pussy starts to salivate with desire. Before your breakup, your ex stopped having sex with you so often, so it has been a while since you had a good orgasm.

When you get into her bedroom to look for clothes, Claudia turns around, trying to gauge what size she should give you. Your breasts are clearly much smaller than her D-sized beauties.

“Come here,” she says, “let’s get you out of that soaking, sticky outfit.”
