Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Everybody Wants You, continued by MichaelBoltonIsADILF...)

Before your brother can do anything you decide that now would be the best time to book it outta there. Running down the stairs you’re greeted face to face with your dad.

“You in a hurry, sweetie?” he asks with a smirk on his face and a cigar in his hand.

“Uh, yeah…” you hastily respond. “Listen, dad. I gotta go.”

“Not so fast, sweetie. What, you don’t have time to spend time with your father? Come on, you’re always out with your friends and coming home late at night,” your dad responds.

“Listen, dad. I love you but I really gotta go,” you clap back. You try to go past him but he grabs your hand and pulls you closer. “Dad, you’re hurting my hand.” you tell him.

“Now you listen here you little cunt. I’ve taken enough crap from your mother for the dumb shit you do every day. I stuck my neck out for you when you brought your dead beat boyfriend to my household. Now it’s time you do me a favor, you ungrateful brat.”

“Dad, I…” You try say something, anything, but you’re frozen with fear. You’ve never seen your dad act this way before.

“We’re gonna do a couple chores me and you. You understand?” he exclaims angrily.


“Yes what?” he yells.

“Yes, daddy” you mutter under your breath.

“Good… That’s better.” your dad replies.

What has your life come to…?
