Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by Ho...)

You are never able to buy any of the tickets for the real show because they are all sold out for the duration of the show, but you hear that they are letting paying audience members act out some of the scenes with the female actors after hours by appointment. There are five fifty-minute appointments for each woman every day between 6pm and midnight. The price varies depending on how many audience members will be in an appointment, but roughly comes out to $5,000 per appointment maximum. Audience members can also bring home a female actor for the night, for an extend acting lesson, in which they can pretty much do whatever they want for $20k. The only stipulation is that they need to return the actor to the theater by 2am so that she can clean up and rest for the next day’s acting.

Two weeks in to its four week run of the “show,” Mark announces the show will run indefinitely. Your girlfriend never returns home and you occasionally are able to buy a ticket to a show. After a month, it becomes clear there is actually no acting, no lines whatsoever. The women come on stage and get on gigantic vinyl mattresses and groups of men come on stage and fuck them until their cocks go soft, to be replaced by another group of men immediately. Essentially it’s a ten hour continuous gangbang involving (now there are twenty) all very white and blonde women and hundreds of audience members. All black males with gigantic cocks. The women are awash with cum all day long. You hear Rachel is very popular and is sold out for home acting lessons for nearly a month to 30 different groups of audience members. The other women are also booked for two to three weeks.

Mark periodically sends you updates on your girlfriend, who is starting to show after four months of being fucked eighteen hours a day and having hundreds of loads of cum deposited into her fertile pussy. She remains wildly popular almost until she gives birth to a very dark baby boy with thick curly hair. The other twenty women also give birth to black babies and the show pauses for a month to let the women care for their interracial babies.

The first day Rachel goes back to “acting” Marcus shows up and pays for her to be with him for the entire week. A month to the day after he takes her home she is pregnant again.

Six years later, Rachel is no longer “acting” but she is living with Marcus now and they have six children together. You are still friends with her on social media and you can see from her pictures that she is ready to give birth again to her seventh interracial baby. She went from a from pristine obedient girlfriend who had never fucked any other man but you, to becoming a black man’s cum slut for three years, getting fucked by over a thousand black men, and giving birth to six and soon seven of Marcus’ interracial babies. She looks happier than you have ever seen her before.

The show is in its eighth year of production and it is now a 24-hour drop-in continuously running event, involving over 300 petite blonde white women in their early twenties “acting” with thousands of very well endowed black men, all of them aiming to get pregnant through their acting.

With all of the money Mark makes over the years, he builds a 200 room private acting studio where audience members can pay for “private acting lessons” with a female actor with a dozen larger conference room sizes room for larger parties and one ball room for mega groups. All of the rooms are booked solid for months.

Since the inception of the show, over 500 petite blonde women have participated as volunteer actors and given birth to more than 1000 interracial babies.

The End
