Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by N s t...)

“We’re going to the mall do get you some new clothing, says Rachel.

“Why does it have to be the mall, babe? Can’t it be a Target or Walmart, because those kinds of people don’t give a fuck about what you buy. You can literally walk into one of those stores with nothing but a bathrobe and they wouldn’t give a fuck. Well at least at Walmart,” you say.

“Relax, Ross, the mall is the best place to get clothing and you know it.”

“That is true.” You contemplate the situation. “Fine let’s get some stuff there.”

“I’m so glad you’re on board with coming to the mall like this.”

“Yeah yeah. Let’s get this over with so we can get home.”

Both of you get out of the car and start walking to the door.

“You a pro at walking in those heels, Ross,” Rachel says.

“Well, my sisters forced me into them a couple of times and showed me how to walk in them.”

“That was nice of them.”

Right now you are just hoping that you don’t run into anyone you know. You get into the mall and start in the food court.

“What do you what to do first?” You look around the mall and realize that there’s a bunch of stores to go to.
