Collaborative sex stories let us write the plot together

(Her Secret Fantasy, continued by Ho...)

“We’re done with dinner and headed to a Cirque du Soleil show. Never been to one before! So excited!”

You’re kinda surprised the night of celebration is so low key.

“I really hope you’re getting these messages and you’re okay. Anyways John thought we should keep it low key just in case you were upset from last night. He wanted me to tell you he and the guys were all just acting and are happily married except for him, but that’s okay. There were some things like the deep-throating and the guys calling me their slut and humiliating me that was not planned in the videos in the messages I sent you… but we got a bit carried away with that… haha… Hope that helps explain last night some… xxx”

You go back to look at the entire message Rachel sent you yesterday for the black dress and the rest of the video is almost exactly the same as what you saw your girlfriend and her coworkers doing through your phone. You feel a sense of relief pass through your body as you realize Rachel and her coworkers were really acting out a scene for your benefit.

“We are headed back to the hotel to have some drinks before hitting the hay. Call me honey. I’m worried!” This message came around 8pm.

The next one arrived about ten minutes ago.

“Really worried now babe. We’re just sitting at the hotel bar having drinks so text or call… xxx”

You pick up your phone and call her. She picks up right away.

“Hello? Ross? What happened? Are you okay? Are you mad at me? I’ve been so worried!”

“Woah Rachel… slow down. I’m okay. I’m not mad… but I’m mad jealous of you and the guys for what happened last night. But not mad at you at all. My boss has been working me like a mule all day and late into the evening. He wouldn’t let me out of his sight so couldn’t get to my phone. Sorry.” you explain.

“Whew! I’m so relieved you’re not mad at me. I was very nervous about acting out the scene with the guys, but they were so understanding. I was surprised at how carried away we all became, but they said it was hard for them to stay in character because I turned them on so much with my sexy body and excellent acting!”

“Don’t blame them. I might have lost my cool too if I had to act that scene out.”

“Oh baby. I’m so glad we’re okay. So do you want to stop the sexting?”

You think about how many times you jerked off watching her last night and you start getting a hard on and you tell her so.

“Let’s give it another try. I came like six times while jerking off and watching you and the guys last night. What do you think?” you ask.

“Okay lover boy… sounds like you really got your rocks off. Liked watching me get it on with the guys?”

“Sure did. You and the guys did an excellent job of acting out the scene. I watched the rest of the video and it was almost exactly what you did. The red dress video was much less intense. Got another skit you’re willing to try?”

“No, but…” (you hear her mumbled talking for a minute) “the guys said they are willing to help. We can continue with the skit from last night with me being their slut… okay?”

“Yeah sounds good. And it’s okay to switch things up if you want. Feel free to spice things up as much as you want.”

“Wow… I thought we crossed way over the line last night… but okay. I’m game… especially for my hard working man!” (You can hear something from the guys.) “John and the guys say they can definitely take things up a notch from last night… whatever that means… haha… hope you guys know what you’re doing! You might have bitten off more than you can handle in me! Hahaha,” your girlfriend says to the guys in her drunken state.

As she banters with the guys you can hear them teasing her about what they will be doing to her in short order. “Oh my god Ross… haha… these guys are such jokers… John is the worst! Such a sicko!… hahaha… just give us fifteen minutes to get things set up and we’ll send you a zoom link so you can watch. Love you so much! Can’t wait to see you again!”
